The stars are bright at Tres Lunas Resort this time of year! Relaxing in the hot tub, guests are able to see constellations such as the Orion and the Winter Triangle as well as the planets Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Stargazing is a great nighttime activity here at Tres Lunas as we have big skies and very little light pollution. We start the new year off with the Quadrantid Meteor Shower which will peak January 3-4 and last through January 12. An added benefit is the moon is waxing and will not be washing out all the meteors!
Even if the clouds show up and mess up the stargazing, the hot tub is still a great place to spend an evening! The cool night air combined with the heat of the hot tub makes for a wonderful relaxing environment and if you suffer from that particular brand of insanity as some guests do, you can do your own polar bear plunge and jump in the pool!!!